Sponsorship is a fundamental way to support open source projects such as Skeleton. Funds provided by sponsors cover operation costs, fund paid promotion, support contributors, and more. Choose from any of the services listed below.



GitHub Incentives
Discord Role
Sponsorship of the Silver Tier or higher provides access to a sponsor
role on Discord, enabling a
special #sponsors
channel which provides a direct line of communication with Skeleton contributors. Please contact a member of the Discord moderator team if this role is not automatically assigned.
Premium Templates
Sponsorship of the Gold Tier or higher unlocks access to all templates below. Select any template to preview.
A personal portfolio template, this template allows you to quickly and easily edit a static file to maintain your list of personal projects. Easily modify the images and stats on the homepage to make it your own. Makes use of the recently added Wintry theme by default, but easily switch to any theme you prefer.
This template provides a fully featured blog, allowing you to generate and maintain posts using Markdown via mdsvex. Includes full support for multiple authors and filtering by custom categories. All Markdown frontmatter is type safe and easy to expand. Including a unique and classy black and white theme.
While your sponsorship is active, you gain access to a private GitHub respository containing all available templates.
Ko-Fi Incentives
Sponsorship of the Silver Tier or higher provides access to a sponsor
role on Discord, enabling a
special #sponsors
channel which provides a direct line of communication with Skeleton contributors.
Patreon Incentives
Sponsorship of the Silver Tier or higher provides access to a sponsor
role on Discord, enabling a
special #sponsors
channel which provides a direct line of communication with Skeleton contributors.